2020 Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards Documentary Now Available To Stream


The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards recognizes outstanding works that contribute to our understanding of racism and our appreciation of cultural diversity.

Awards are given for fiction, poetry and nonfiction. Submissions of books published in 2020 are now open. For books published this year, the submission period begins September 1 and the deadline is December 31, 2020. The winners are announced in the spring.

To submit a book for consideration, send five copies with a completed copy of the Entry Form to:

Karen R. Long
c/o Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards
The Cleveland Foundation
1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1300
Cleveland, OH 44115

Phone: 216.685.2018
Email: Submit@Anisfield-Wolf.org

Upon receipt, the books will be forwarded to the jury. All submitted materials become the property of the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards and will not be returned. No electronic submissions of an author’s work of any kind are accepted.


  • Books must be written in English and published and copyrighted in 2020 to be eligible for the 2021 prize.
  • Awards are given in fiction, poetry and nonfiction.
  • All submitted materials become the property of the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards and will not be returned.
  • The deadline for submission is December 31. Entries arriving after the deadline must be postmarked by December 31 to be eligible.
  • Confirmation of delivery receipt is not provided.
  • The following are NOT eligible for consideration:
    • Plays
    • Screenplays
    • Works in progress
    • Manuscripts
    • Print-on-demand
    • Electronically published or e-books
    • Self-published works

For Publishers – Prizes and Recognition

  • Anisfield-Wolf winners receive their prize at a ceremony in Cleveland in September.
  • Award recipients traditionally receive $10,000 from the Anisfield-Wolf fund.
  • Winners are required to participate in media interviews and publicity opportunities in conjunction with the prize.
  • Publishers are encouraged to congratulate their winners in advertisements and via social media.
  • Publishers are encouraged to mention the Anisfield-Wolf prize in new editions, general publicity and web posts about their winning authors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the awards given at the ceremony?

The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards are announced in the spring. The prizes are awarded at a ceremony in Cleveland in the fall.

How will I find out if I’ve won the award?

Winners are contacted by the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards before the public announcement is made on www.Anisfield-Wolf.org.

I’ve written a book. Does my publisher have to submit it or can I do it myself?

You may submit your own book for consideration. For complete information on how to submit a book, please check our Submission Guidelines.

My book is a self-published. Is it eligible for the award?

Self-published works (including works printed by vanity or subsidy presses) are not eligible for consideration.

My book is an e-book. Is it eligible for the award?

Electronic publications are not eligible for the award.

What genres of work are considered for the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award?

There are four awards: one for a work of fiction, one for poetry, one for nonfiction and one for lifetime achievement.

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • To be eligible, books must be written in English and published in the previous year (i.e. books published in 2020 are eligible for the 2021 prize).
  • Awards are given for fiction, poetry and nonfiction.
  • All submitted materials become the property of the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards and will not be returned.
  • The deadline for submission is December 31. Entries arriving after the deadline must be postmarked by December 31 to be eligible.
  • Submissions are accepted beginning September 1.
  • The following are NOT eligible for consideration:
    • Plays
    • Screenplays
    • Works in progress
    • Manuscripts
    • Print-on-demand
    • Electronically published or e-books
    • Self-published works