2020 Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards Documentary Now Available To Stream



Five Books You Should Read First In 2013

With a new year comes new reading lists. We at Anisfield-Wolf rounded up some of the new and not-so-new books we’d like to read over the next few weeks. If this proves popular, we’ll keep adding books here as suggestions and have a discussion about what we’ve enjoyed over on our Facebook page

Ayaan Hirsi AliInfidel

Stephen L. CarterThe Emperor of Ocean Park

Jill LeporeThe Mansion of Happiness

August Wilson Fences 

Esi EdugyanThe Second Life of Samuel Tyne 






  • Jean Martin

    January 6, 2013

    I read The Emperor of Ocean Park probably 10 years ago. I was in bed with the flu for days, and simply devoured the book. It was a fast read and very satisfying.

    • Anisfield-Wolf

      January 6, 2013

      @Jean – Yes, this is our second read-through of Emperor of Ocean Park and we’re remembering how much we enjoyed it the first time!

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