2020 Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards Documentary Now Available To Stream



Anisfield-Wolf Authors On Twitter

Being able to communicate directly with your favorite writers and authors is probably one of the best uses of Twitter. Here, we’ve rounded up some Anisfield-Wolf winners you can find tweeting and answering questions from their readers. Click on the tweets to see their full profiles.

  • Nefertiti Austin

    February 19, 2012

    My love of all things Walter Mosley led me to the Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards website. I do not know how to not write about race and recently grappled with this issue when I began a nonfiction collection of essays. Finding this website and learning of Mrs. Anisfield-Wolf’s amazing vision 70+ years ago, reminds me that race matters and that my project, heavy with race, gender and laughter, deserves the light of day.

    I look forward to tweeting with and learning from your Anisfield-Wolf authors.

    • Anisfield-Wolf

      February 19, 2012

      @Nefertiti – Thank you for your beautiful comment. We are excited to have you join us!

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